27 million
247 thousand
1.6 million

Where to watch
Vision TV on Saturdays, 12:00PM (ET) across Canada
Yes TV on Saturdays, 6AM (ET) in Ontario
Youtube Channel Anytime, Anywhere!
From Our Viewers
I'm a graduate student in psychology and I started reading more in depth of the Holy Quran. I'm constantly making connections between the Holy Quran and renowned theories in the world of psychology. Thank you so much for your all your work. It has helped me to foster a deeper understanding of this peaceful religion!
Melodi E
I’ve often commented on your videos. I have some news. I took my shahadah three weeks ago now and have accepted Islam. My decision was of course not just based on your videos, but they were a great source of information to me, so thank you. My ultimate goal was and is to serve God. I found that I could do that best in Islam. I’m a European white woman (not that it matters) and am compelled to say my decision was in no way influenced by or for anyone else.
The show answers so many questions and helps me to see the truth of Islam, as opposed to the many rumours that are floating around out there. And most especially in Canada, seeing a woman leading the direction of each show puts to rest all the rumours about how Muslim woman are treated badly.
Jeremy R
I really love your videos. I am not a Muslim myself but just learning more about Islamic theology has given me a greater understanding and respect for the faith. And the two Dr. Allys have a really great perspective on life in general.
Kyle F
Our Supporters
Al Nadwa Educational Islamic Center, Bosnian Islamic Centre, Bosnian Islamic Association Gazi Husrev-Beg, Brampton Islamic Centre, International Muslims Organization, Islamic Institute of Toronto, ISNA Canada, Jamiat-ul-Ansar of Brampton, Malton Islamic Centre, Muslim Welfare Canada, Muslim Youth Soccer League, Muslims of Dufferin Orangeville, Naseeha: Mental Health, Noor Cultural Centre, Sayeda Khadija Centre, The Furqan Project, Toronto Islamic Centre, West End Islamic Center