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Where does LQS get its funding from?

LQS is funded entirely by your support. Please continue to support us by visiting our Donate page.


Is LQS eligible for zakah funds?

Yes. LQS falls under the category of da’wah. Please send us a portion of your zakah!


Are donations tax-deductible?

Yes. LQS is a project of the Islamic Information & Da’wah Centre International, which is a charitable non-profit organization registered in Canada. Our registration # is 892926163 RR 0001. All donations are tax-deductible in Canada. If you provide your full name and address to us, we can mail you a tax receipt.


Why doesn’t LQS switch from television to online media?

We have a loyal television audience across Canada. Some of our long-time viewers have limited access to the Internet because they live in a rural or remote area. However, our plan is to eventually switch to online media, since television viewership is decreasing steadily. We are working on strengthening our online presence in the meantime.


Are Dr. Shabir Ally and Dr. Safiyyah Ally related?

Yes. Dr. Safiyyah Ally is Dr. Shabir Ally’s daughter.


Where is the studio located?

We don’t have a dedicated studio. Our program is recorded at the Islamic Information & Da’wah Centre International at 1168 Bloor St. West in downtown Toronto.


Can LQS cover my event?

Yes, we can, depending on our availability and resources. Please contact us at with a description of your event.


How can I reach Dr. Shabir Ally? How can I ask him a question?

You can visit his personal website Please note that due to the volume of questions he receives daily, he is unable to respond to all questions in a timely fashion.


How can I contact LQS?

Email us at


Let the Quran Speak
1168 Bloor St. W.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6H 1N1

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