We are thrilled to have you join us at our fundraising dinner on Saturday, March 4, 2023 at Sagan Banquet Hall in Mississauga, Ontario.
For 22 years, your Canadian Muslim TV show Let the Quran Speak has worked to transform public conversations about Islam and showcase the rich diversity of Muslims' lives. With your help, we can do better and aim higher.
World renowned Islamophobia expert Professor Khaled Beydoun will introduce his new book, The New Crusades: Islamophobia and the Global War on Muslims. Your favourite father-and-daughter duo Dr. Shabir Ally and Dr. Safiyyah Ally will discuss the impact Let the Quran Speak is making on the media scene and share how we can do more.
Meet our team, connect with like-minded people and be part of a movement to harness the power of media to change public perceptions of Islam and Muslims.
To purchase your ticket, click here.

Dr Shabbir Ally is the best islamic scholar in the world. May Allah protect them. https://alsuffainstitute.com/